Friday, May 1, 2015

把《爱情保卫战》youtube上的link post到文学城的帖子中

1. go to official site

 2. click on a specific link, copy the string after "watch?v=" in the address bar. e.g., for the link, copy "JO_9buYgos8", and replace the "REPLACEME" in the following with the above string.
<div id="msgbodyContent"> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" scrolling="no" src=";wmode=transparent" style="z-index: 0;" width="420"></iframe></div> Source: <a href="">Youtube</a><br /> HOWTO: <a href="">把&#12298;爱情保卫战&#12299;youtube上的link post到文学城的帖子中</a> 3. create a new 文学城 post using "HTML源代码" method (not 所见即所得), copy and paste the above red color text (replace "REPLACEME"), and you will have a video for 《爱情保卫战》.