2. click on a specific playlist, copy the string after "playlist?list=" in the address bar. e.g., for the link
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq-vqIuKujcVlRkn166XTQX6 , copy "PLtFDvh1SGFq-vqIuKujcVlRkn166XTQX6", and replace the the "REPLACEME" in the following with the above string. Please replace all other "REPLACEME" with the right subtitle
非诚勿扰 Part1 REPLACEME陆毅霸气拒绝女嘉宾“搭讪” 传授婚姻保鲜秘诀
非诚勿扰 Part2 REPLACEME陆毅曝料“第一眼看中了鲍蕾的腿” 私密短信大公开 高甜度秀恩爱羡煞旁人
非诚勿扰 Part3 REPLACEME“帅版憨豆”爆笑相亲 意外牵手女观众上演奇妙邂逅
REPLACEME非诚勿扰 Part4 REPLACEME陆毅《非诚勿扰》授婚姻秘诀 男嘉宾再牵女观众
非诚勿扰 Part5 REPLACEME重庆小伙帅气排球教练 陆毅坦言妻子为自己付出很多
Source: Youtube
HOWTO: 把《非诚勿扰》youtube上的playlist嵌入到文学城的帖子中
3. create a new 文学城 post using "HTML源代码" method (not 所见即所得), copy and paste the above red color text (replace "REPLACEME"), and you will have a video for 《非诚勿扰》. It will automatically jump to next one when the current one in playlist finishes.
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